Rock River Radio Club Winter Party December 3, 2006

The Rock River folks did a great job hosting the "Winter Party". There was a good turnout. The food was very good, and it is always great to interact with other "Hams". There were door prizes for all who attended, and a unique way of getting them out to the folks. If you wern't there, you missed a good time.

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Gary, Connie, Roy, Beryl
Claude, Nell, Cheryl
Nell N9ELL, Cheryl Gary, Connie, Roy
Beryl, Claude
Beryl, Gary, Roy
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Roy, Beryl, Claude,
Lucky, Cheryl
Claude wa9kcu, Lucky k9luk Cheryl, Lorrie, Tom n9hr Randy, Louie, Ralph, Dennis
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Ralph n9wbl Dennis Randy, Tom, Louie, Claude Bruce, Amy
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Terry w9tac Dinner Terry w9tac Terry w9tac
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Jerry no9u Ryan kb9owd, Jerry no9u Connie k9cid Duane w9bcv
Boat Boat Boat Boat
Jerry no9u, Duane w9bcv Jerry no9u, Duane w9bcv "Ham of the Year" Jerry
Presenter Duane
"Ham of the Year" Jerry
Presenter Duane

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