Resources for clubs:

Multi media Library:

The multi media library has videos and programs that clubs can use for meeting programs. Many new PowerPoint programs are free to download.
Multi Media Library

Club Callsigns:

Does your club have a unique callsign? Download the forms to get a club callsign or renew the club’s existing license.
Club Call Signs

License Class Search Page:

This page lets prospective hams search for license classes in their area.
License Classes

Registered Volunteer Instructors may list classes on the web by following the link from the Volunteer Instructor Support Page

New Amateur Reports:

This is the URL for the New Amateur page
New Amateur Page
The New Amateur reports is in the member’s only page that let’s clubs download a list of new or recently upgraded hams. Lists can be generated from information selected by ARRL section, Division or from a list of Zip Codes. Reports can be CSV, HTML or .pdf for Avery mailing labels.

Access to the New Amateur page is restricted to the club president, contact person and newsletter editor.

Big Club List:
Big Club List
The Big Club List allows you to search for active or inactive clubs in an ARRL section and also reports in many formats.

Club Commission Membership Recruitment Program:

Under the ARRL Club Commission Membership Recruitment Program, clubs retain $15 for each NEW membership and $2 for each renewal submitted (regular and senior memberships only). A NEW MEMBER is defined as any individual who has never been a member of ARRL or any individual who has not retained a membership for two or more calendar years prior to the application submission.

The details and forms can be found on the web at the ARRL Club Companion page:
Club Companion Page

Liability and Equipment Insurance for Clubs:

This comprehensive policy provides coverage for lawsuits resulting from bodily injury and property damage at ARRL Affiliated Club-sponsored activities. This includes concession stands, dances, banquets, parties, auctions, raffles, picnics and meetings, to name just a few. Coverage would also apply for official Club participation, for instance participating in a community-sponsored event. Plus, in addition to the policy limits described below, this plan also pays the court and legal costs of defense for covered claims.

Get the details and application form by following this link:

ARRL "All Risk" Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan:
All Risk Insurance

Club Updates:

Once your club is affiliated, it remains affiliated. To stay actively affiliated, you must complete and submit an Annual Report at least once a year. Your club’s status will be changed to inactive should 2 years go by without our receiving an Annual Report. Your club can return to active status at any time by simply completing and submitting an Annual Report.

Updates are as simple as:

* Locating your listing by first accessing
Club Updates

* Then click on your club’s highlighted name to get to its listing.

* When your page appears, scroll down to the bottom where it says:

* "Submit updated information for this club" After you've made your changes,

* HIT the "submit" key and your update will be sent to us.

After the submitted data is reviewed, updates are made and changes can be viewed on the web in a few days.


You’ve heard it before, “There is no “I” in TEAM.” Make sure that you have the tools and skills when your organization is looking to you for direction:


ARRL clipart can be downloaded from the web at this URL:
Clip Art

Technical Information Pages:
Technical Information

Here are a couple of links to some grant writing instructions
NP Guides


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